
      我公司自創(chuàng )建以來(lái),專(zhuān)注于紙管機、紙護角機、卷紙分切機、紙管精切機、紙管磨頭機、紙管印刷機等相關(guān)設備,堅持"品質(zhì)求精,科技求新"發(fā)展思路,在國內各地區及海外市場(chǎng),受到眾多客戶(hù)青睞,引進(jìn)國外成熟技術(shù),研發(fā)創(chuàng )新設備工藝,根據大批量實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗,持續人性化技術(shù)改進(jìn),將好的設備推向市場(chǎng)。
      紙管機及配套設備應用廣泛,市場(chǎng)需求大,是創(chuàng )業(yè)開(kāi)拓市場(chǎng)的好項目,紙管機械設備可廣泛用于眾多行業(yè)。

      Cangzhou Sanqi Paper Tube Machinery Manufacturing Co ., Ltd , is located in Dongguang Industrial Park , Cangzhou Cily , Hebei Province , the local is in the Bohai Economic Circle , close to 105 National Road , Beijing - Shanghai Expressway and Beijing - Shanghai Railway , convenient for customers at home and abroad to visit our company . My company since its inception , focused on the paper machine , paper cutting machine , pipe cutting machine , grinding head machine , paper tube paper tube printing presses and related equipment , adhere to the " quality of refinement , technological innovation * development ideas , in domestic and overseas market , favored by many customers , the introduction of foreign advanced technology and equipment research and development innovation process , according to the practice experience of large , continuous humanized technology improvement , will good equipment to the market . Paper tube machine and auxiliary equipment are widely used , the market demand is large , is a good project to start a business to develop the market , paper tube machinery and equipment can be widely used in many industries , the following is some of the industry applications .
